Farmers are cultivators of land, caretakers of animals and producers of food for our communities. We take great pride in the legacy that has led us to where we are today. The foundation our ancestors …
There are only a few moments in life when we truly feel a sense of community, surrounded by the people who cheer us on in everything we do. I experienced this on the evening before opening day of the …
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the August Federal Order Class III milk price at $20.66 per hundredweight, up 87 cents from July, $3.47 above August 2023, and the highest Class III price …
I can see the signs of fall all around me these days. Early morning school bus routes. Drooping ears of corn. The sound of sandhill cranes congregating for their southward trip. It also signals a …
The presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris introduced her vice-presidential pick at their first campaign stop. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz referenced his 12 years in Congress in …
A few years ago, a friend gifted me two sheet pans — one with ‘cake pan sides’ and one with ‘bar’ sides. Both came with lids. I never in my life thought I would use …
Since I was a child, I have seen dairy farms slowly disappear. I did not grow up on a dairy farm but knew many friends who lived on farms and also had neighbors who milked cows. If I was riding my …
On August 16, I sent my youngest off to school for the first day of his senior year. It doesn’t matter that he is 17. I still gave him a hug and a kiss and told him that I loved him. That was …
The Great Minnesota Get-Together is once again underway and, once again, I have the privilege of serving as a chaperone for our county’s 4-H livestock exhibitors. I truly am lucky to have …
I don’t know which is worse — cleaning up little kids or cleaning up big cows? It doesn’t seem to matter how hard you work to get them both clean, they always seem to find a way to …
People watching is my favorite hobby. It’s much more interesting than bird watching, although the use of binoculars is frowned upon when one studies the sapiens species. An increasingly …
“Oh, the Places You’ll Go,” as said by Dr. Seuss, is a constant reminder for me that wherever I go, the agricultural industry follows. Something that very few people know about …
It’s been an interesting growing season. Concerns of low snowfall and a potential summer drought quickly turned to saturated soil this spring. For some, the corn looks great. For others, …
Mid-August Chicago Mercantile Exchange dairy product prices were mostly higher led by cheese topping $2 per pound, all of which drove Class III futures higher. After jumping almost 11 cents the …
After a nine-year hiatus, the Langola Livewires 4-H Club is back. We’re “plugged in” and ready to roll. After Austin graduated, the club became inactive because we had no young …
The farm benchmark milk price took a temporary step backward in July on a slightly lower cheese price. The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the July Federal Order Class III price at $19.79 …
Decision-making. This is something we do constantly on our dairy farms. These decisions range from many, small, daily management decisions to very large decisions that drastically alter the course of …
It’s county fair season and farm kids around the state are showing off the projects and animals they’ve spent many hours working with. Our children and the families that lease cattle from …
Hello all. I am new here and following in the footsteps of Dr. Jim Bennett for the Veterinary Wisdom column. I am one of six doctors at Northern Valley Livestock Services practicing primarily dairy …
Some sneaky, creepy creatures have been slinking around hereabouts. No, I’m not talking about the latest crop of political candidates. What have been sighted several …