Sadie Frericks

State fair vs sports

The Great Minnesota Get-Together is once again underway and, once again, I have the privilege of serving as a chaperone for our county’s 4-H livestock exhibitors. I truly am lucky to have …

Wily Wagyu

After several years’ worth of experience with beef-on-dairy calves, I’m beginning to think that beef-cross calves aren’t suitable for calving on pasture. I absolutely love …


Three months ago, I started a new chapter in my life that’s so far proven to be rather challenging. I got braces. I made the decision after about 10 years of prodding by our dentist. …

Big, small joys

Sunshine. Lilac blossoms. Occasional showers. Emerging corn. Fluffy baby chicks. A flood of new calves. May is full of joys, both big and small. We had two sets of healthy twin heifer calves …

Ripple effects

What an interesting, and concerning, spring we are having. At any given time, there are a handful of concerns swirling around in my thoughts. Our livestock hauler said the auction has twice as …

Feeding wrestlers

Three years ago, when Dan joined the wrestling team, I could often be heard saying, “Never in a million years did I think I’d have a wrestler.” Now, I have three wrestlers, and …

Paper along with digital

Schedules and lists. That’s what parents and dairy farmers are made of. The top questions in our house are: What do we have going on today? What’s on your list for today? Who’s on …

Real, not perfect

If you drive into our yard right now, it looks like a hay auction and an equipment dealership got together and had a baby. We always buy several loads of hay during the winter, but because the …

Better than store-bought

What makes a Christmas gift special? Is it special because you hoped for it? Is it special because it surprised you? Is it special because it reflects the giver’s love and thoughtfulness? Is it …

Full-spectrum fall

We have experienced the full spectrum of fall weather so far this season: rain, snow, wind, clouds, and sun.   Our cool, sunny, lovely fall turned cold and winter-like just in time for …

Vanilla meatballs

Fall has arrived. All of us here – humans and cows – are enjoying the cooler temperatures. We’ve actually been getting rain, so the cows can graze again. On the sunny days when fall …

High-tech napping

We use technology to make virtually every task in our lives easier, more effective, and less time-consuming.

Grounded in gratitude at take off

By the time these words are inked on a page of newsprint, I’ll be at The Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Joy and sorrow

“When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.

The mouse in the freezer

When my beloved cat, George, died unexpectedly, I put his body in the freezer until I could give him a proper burial.

Thoughts of days gone by

I help coach our county’s 4-H Dairy Project Bowl Team. If you’re not familiar, project bowl is very similar to knowledge bowl, but instead of general knowledge, 4-Hers are quizzed on their knowledge of all things dairy.

Our small, connected world

Good things happen when dairy farmers get together. Last week, several of us gathered for Minnesota Milk’s Annual Meeting, Dairy Dinner, and Dairy Day at the Capitol.

Chickens and eggs

When I wrote about being grateful for our egg-laying chickens this summer, I didn’t think that gratitude could increase.

December birthdays

Two of our greatest Christmas gifts are our December babies. Daphne was born in mid-December and Dan was born a couple days before Christmas.

Switch it up

Ten years ago, a new chapter in our dairy farming story began: switching cows through the winter.

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