
You’re so vain

It never fails to amaze me what people are willing to endure in the name of vanity.

Lice eat into profits

Lice is a common external parasite in dairy cattle, most notably detected by visible loss of hair.

A solid foundation of dairy promotion in 2022 has set Midwest Dairy up to adapt and respond to consumer needs as we enter into 2023.

Animal talk

Having a variety of animals at our farm makes my days very exciting and cheerful.

Musical state of mind

“Ain’t it funny how a melody can bring back a memory/ Take you to another place in time/ Completely change your state of mind, ” Clint Black, “State of Mind.”

Kicking off year 25

What were you doing 25 years ago?

Debt ceiling debate limits farm bill activity

 National Council of Farmer Cooperatives President and CEO Chuck Conner is optimistic about the upcoming farm bill debate but is concerned about the lack of activity. Conner said Congress is consumed with the debt ceiling issue.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative is moving forward and seeking a second dispute settlement panel against Canada and its dairy policy.

Saturday plans thwarted

Last week, as the temperatures plummeted again, we told ourselves to look forward to Saturday when the mercury would climb.

Got work?

My first paid job that I had as a child was pulling weeds in my grandmother’s garden. She would be nearby pulling weeds too.

Technology tends to evoke various emotions in people especially in our industry which has a foundation built on values and tradition.


Progesterone is a steroid hormone that is produced by the corpus luteum, or CL as veterinarians commonly say.

Free concrete

They say nothing is free, but then, maybe those people never lived in Minnesota.

Al and Lorraine

Everyone knows of at least one ideal couple. They are folks who seem to have been made for each other, a pair of people who are a perfect fit.

Close to the heart

As Valentine’s Day approaches, I think about some of the things I’ve held close to my heart over my life.

My favorite cow

I was 10 years old when I bought my first calf. She was a registered Holstein named Hopscotch. I will never forget the day we met.

Treasure trove

During the year, a spare bedroom serves as the catchall for things to do in the winter.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the January Federal order Class III benchmark milk price at $19.43 per hundredweight, which is down $1.07 from December 2022, 95 cents below January 2022 and the lowest Class III price since December 2021.

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