School milk dispensers have piqued my interest the past several years.
The concept seemed quite simple. If we provide kids with a great milk-drinking experience now, maybe we can make them lifetime consumers of milk.
Several school districts in Minnesota, such as Hutchinson, Waconia, Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa and Minnewaska Area, have implemented the dispensers, and the results have been positive.
The districts have reported more milk consumption and less waste.
As school administrators, who wouldn’t want to serve students cold milk out of a cup rather than that of a carton?
In addition, schools have provided students the opportunity to have free refills. Others have placed a milk dispenser in the weight room to refuel after a practice or a game. It makes a lot of sense to let students refuel with milk, and all the health benefits it provides, rather than alternatives.
In Sauk Centre, where my kids attend school, the district wasn’t equipped with dispensers. Now, that has changed.
About a year ago, superintendent Don Peschel was approached regarding the idea.
Peschel said he needed to talk to the food service provider and see if they had an outlet for bulk milk.
Fortunately, they did.
Then, I spoke to several dairy farmers and agricultural businesses and told them about the idea. The consensus was to get the job done. They were willing to offer financial assistance.
For the next step, Peschel proposed the idea to the school board to gather their thoughts.
After one meeting, he reported they were on board with the idea.
We proceeded to the bid stage.
We found businesses that provide dispensers, stainless steel tables, cup racks, cups and even a dishrack dolly for the cups.
We went over the bids and ordered three dispensers.
Next was the financial side of things. Interestingly enough, this was far less difficult than I thought it was going to be.
We received over half the money necessary from Midwest Dairy and the Stearns County American Dairy Association.
The remaining funds came from like-minded dairy enthusiasts. Three local dairy farmers: Vogt Dairy LLC, Dan and Jason Klaphake, and Meyer Dairy, LLC; two agricultural businesses, KLC Farms Roasting, MBC Drainage LLC; and the Sauk Centre Area Community Foundation, all wanted to see the project become reality.
When the school year commenced this fall, it was gratifying for me to know two milk dispensers had supplanted cartons. Each machine has three spigots, two for chocolate milk and one for white.
A couple weeks into the school year, Peschel gave a tour to the financial supporters. This was also a chance to talk about the students’ reactions.
The immediate responses were super. The students enjoyed having cold milk out of a cup. They could fill their cup to whatever level they wanted. Plus, there was no carton waste.
The third dispenser arrived about a month into the school year and will be an a la carte machine. Students can drink as much milk as they want at no cost to their families.
The funds for providing free milk in the third machine will be gathered from local businesses as the year progresses.
If your school recently added milk dispensers, let me know about the process and students’ feedback by emailing me at [email protected].
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