Kids Corner: The Martin Family


Autumn Martin
12 years old
Sixth grade

When do you do chores? In the morning I feed calves and, in the evenings, I take turns with my sister feeding calves and milking cows.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore? I like them all, but I really enjoy taking care of the newborns.

What project do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? When we’re making baleage, I get to help haul the bales to the edge of the field.

Tell us a fun memory you have of living on the farm. Riding the horses across the alfalfa fields at a run.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? The horse, Jasmine, because she is so strong and fast. She is 28.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Something to do with cattle.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. It would have plenty of cows, a dog, a few Cochin bantams and maybe a fast horse.

What is your favorite game to play on the farm? Follow the leader on horses when both my sister on the pony and I on the horse try to be the leader.

What is your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? When my mom makes farmer boys breakfast.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Hiking at parks.

Tabitha Martin
9 years old
Fourth grade 

When do you do chores? In the morning I feed calves, and in the evenings, I feed some of the older calves grain. Then, every other night I milk and every other evening I feed calves. I also take care of the horse and pony, and check on the kittens and puppies.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is taking care of the horse and pony because that also includes riding them. I would say my least favorite is milking because I get dirtier, but I enjoy helping Dad milk so I guess I enjoy all my chores.

What project do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? l like to help haul bales, and moving calves is always lots of fun too.

Tell us a fun memory you have of living on the farm. Playing house in the woods.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? My favorite animal is our pony, Buddy. He is fun to ride because he has lots of spunk but never bucks. He likes to run and often he gets fat.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. I would have six horses, 22 cats, two sheep, two goats, 1,500 cows and a double-50 parlor to milk them in.

What is your favorite game to play on the farm? I like to play dare base.

What is your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? Eggs and toast.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Go hiking.

Bryce Martin
7 years old
Second grade

When do you do chores? In the morning I dip and wipe cows for Mom while she milks. In the evenings I feed the just weaned calves free-choice grain and help whichever of my sisters is feeding calves.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore? Feeding calves is my favorite chore. Milking cows is my least favorite chore. I like to feed the calves bottles.

What project do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? I like to help move heifers from the bred heifer pen to the dry cow pen. Sometimes the cows want to chase you.

Tell us a fun memory you have of living on the farm. Riding our two pigs was a lot of fun but we butchered them and they tasted good too. I also helped Dad when we picked up bales. It was so much fun.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? I like to play with the puppies. They like to climb on you. Sometimes we see who can stay quiet the longest.

What do you want to be when you grow up? I would like to be a wood worker. Maybe we could make cabinets and dressers.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. I would like 1,000 cows, one horse, one pig, 10 puppies, four cats, 30 goats and 30 sheep.

What is your favorite game to play on the farm? We played catch the wild calf with our friends. We divide into two teams and put a lead rope on and let the calf out. Then we race to see which team can catch the calf.

What is your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? Pizza casserole.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Riding bike and going hiking.

Carrie Martin
Age 4

When do you do chores? In the evenings I feed the chickens water and make sure they have feed. Then I help dip and wipe the nice cows or play in the barn. Once the girls are ready, I help feed bottle calves.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore? Feeding the chicks and bottle calves is my favorite. Feeding the bucket calves is my least favorite.

What project do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? I like to help mom cook.

Tell us a fun memory you have of living on the farm. I had fun sledding on the piles of snow.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? The horses. I can ride Buddy by myself because Autumn taught me how, but we stay in the pen.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A horse rider.

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. A house and a barn, some cats, sheep, dogs, puppies, and 100 cows.

What is your favorite game to play on the farm? Rollerblade in our basement.

What is your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? Pizza and ice cream.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Play with my friends.

Brady Martin
Age 1 

When do you do chores? In the evenings if it’s warm enough.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore? My favorite chore is riding with Dad in the Bobcat. My least favorite is sitting in the stroller.

What project do you enjoy helping your parents with on the farm? When someone big helps me color.

What is your favorite animal on your farm? Calves, it’s fun to feed the bottle calves.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A farmer

If you had a farm, describe what it would look like. Just like Daddy’s.What is your favorite game to play on the farm? I like to tease people.

What is your favorite meal that your mom or dad makes? Green beans and potatoes.

What is your favorite thing to do off the farm with your family? Going to town.

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