FFA: Inside the Emblem

Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted


123 members
Howard Lake, Minnesota
Wright County and McLeod County

Tell us about your chapter. We have two FFA advisers who are also classroom teachers and one junior high FFA adviser.

How does your chapter volunteer in the community throughout the year? Community service is our top priority. We have landscaped, completed projects at the Wright County Fairgrounds, built retaining walls, served at fish fries and pancake breakfasts, and assisted at Breakfast on the Farm.

What fundraisers does your chapter do throughout the year? We host fruit sales in November and December. We sell over $100,000 annually. The community looks forward to the fresh, high-quality produce every year.

What are the biggest events of the year? Our FFA alumni chapter hosts a tractor pull at our county fairgrounds every Memorial Day weekend and an auction the third Wednesday in August at the Wright County Fairgrounds. Both events are great financial assets to our program and our students.

What is unique about your chapter? Strong community engagement along with a very supportive alumni chapter. We operate a 1.2-acre garden and a 60-plus fruit tree orchard during the summer by providing students a part-time employment opportunity. It allows us to provide fresh produce for community members.

When was your chapter founded, and how has it evolved? The chapter started in 1956 and has grown to include two to three agriculture teachers, numerous state and national champion teams, and State FFA Degree and American FFA Degree recipients every year for the past decade.

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