Dairy Profile

Dalton and Sophie Gnewikow Wilton, Wisconsin | Monroe County | 45 cows


How did you get into farming? Growing up I always wanted to be a farmer. I started working on a farm when I was 12 years old and it never stopped.

What are the most significant ways your farm has changed since you started farming? The technology, genetics and nutritional components for my cattle.

What was a challenge you faced in your dairy farming career and how did you overcome it? The overall change in the dairy industry. I overcame it by watching the market and making decisions with my wife on what changes would best suit our farm.

What is the best decision you have made on your farm? I purchased the farm that I grew up working on and have made changes to herd size, genetics and overall nutrition for the cattle and have also made upgrades to the barn and equipment.

What three things on the farm can you not live without? The skid loader, which is undeniably the most important piece of equipment that is used for a wide number of daily tasks. Constant support of my family allows me to continue in this business. My wife and the outside resources that make our success possible, including the bank, Grassland Dairy, the veterinarian, etc.

What are your thoughts and concerns about the dairy industry for the next year? The concern on milk prices dropping lower than what they have been.

What strategies do you use to withstand the volatile milk prices? We try to budget what we spend on things for the farm and extra things we may want or need.

How do you retain a good working relationship with your employee(s)? Or how do you maintain family relationships while also working together? Trust and a partnership with the understanding that the decisions made are for the good of the farm. It can be very difficult at times, but being able to discuss things with my wife is helpful for our relationship at running our farm

What do you find most rewarding about dairy farming? Being self-employed and the caretaker of the land and our livestock. Giving our children the chance to grow up learning the responsibility and privilege of the farm life and working together on this farm as a family that my wife and I created.

Tell us something special about your farm. It is the place I was able to learn to love farming as a teenager and was able to purchase that farm to now raise my family on.

What are your plans for your dairy in the next year and five years? Undergoing construction on the farm to allow us to purchase more cows and land to expand our operation.

How do you or your family like to spend time when you are not doing chores? We enjoy visits with family and friends and just spending time as a family with our kids, Joel and Jaycee. We also enjoy our Sunday ice cream dates and a drive around the ridge with the kids.

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