Parlor Talk Talkin'

Blog 54


How can it be nearing the end of June? How are we almost halfway through the year already? Days tend to get a little hectic this time of year. We have the usual farm work, but then add in baseball and fair projects, and it becomes a fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants kind of deal. Oh, and one more small detail – we're moving. Eek! We currently live off the farm and are moving to the farm. I've been going through closets all winter and have made several trips to Goodwill to prepare for the move. It's amazing all the things that get stashed and stored away. I have mixed feelings about moving. There are so many cherished memories in our old house, but moving to the farm will be much more convenient. No more drives for late-night checkups. No more scraping windows at 4 a.m. No more wondering what is happening at the farm while we are away. It is a huge step for us in our farm career as the sixth generation to fully take the reins. Wish me luck as we pack up all our things and say good-bye to our first home and transition to our new home. 

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