Blog 45


            Happy New Year!
            Garen has been a part of Wisconsin Junior Holsteins for three years and has been competing in dairy bowl. This past weekend was the annual convention, and our county was the host.

            What an amazing group of youth and young adults. Each round, as I sat in the contest room, I recognized the talent level of each and every member. It was nail-biting as each team buzzed in and the excitement that came with correct answers. And that was just dairy bowl.             There are so many other activities available. There was an activity area where the youth could gather and play games and visit. There was always laughter coming from this area. It probably helped that there was an unlimited supply of cheese, sausage, milk and ice cream available. It is truly a great experience to watch kids gather from around the state who share one common interest.
            Saturday night was a formal banquet. We just about didn’t make it to the banquet because of a milk pump issue in the parlor. We made it in the nick of time to watch the awards being presented. As awards were given to participants and biographies were read, I was reminded again of the talent of this amazing group. There is truly a remarkable future of the dairy industry ahead of us.  
            It was an exhausting weekend, but I am already looking forward to next year’s convention.

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