Badger Dairy Insight monthly webinar series


Join the University of Wisconsin-Madison – Division of Extension’s Dairy Program on the third Tuesday of each month from 11am-12pm CST for the Badger Dairy Insight webinar series. We are featuring your local Extension Dairy Program Educators and UW Specialists as they present on current dairy topics. Take the opportunity to learn from and discuss with experts on the dates below.

To learn more about Badger Dairy Insight and the Extension Dairy program please visit

March 19, 2024:
Strategies for improving reproduction in dairy herds

Drs. Fricke and Martins will discuss their new latest research on optimizing the use of sexed semen in dairy herds, managing heifer growth and reproduction, and optimizing re-synchronization programs in lactating dairy cows.

April 16, 2024:
Grazing your way to reduced heifer costs and better sustainability

Back to our roots with grazing dairy heifers with Jason Cavadini, Extension Grazing Outreach Specialist

Just a few generations ago nearly all dairy heifers spent part of the year on pasture. Today, most dairy farmers choose not to implement grazing. But there’s good reason for dairy farms to consider going Back to Our Roots with grazing of dairy heifers. It’s important to understand the distinctions between managed grazing and other types of grazing management. The three foundational principles – the Three R’s – are what make managed grazing different. This presentation will discuss how Rotation, Rest, and Residual influence forage production, animal performance, and cost savings for heifer raising programs.

Advancing sustainable grazing: quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from pastures using a “flying” air analyzer with Nesli Akdeniz, Livestock Controlled Environments Extension Specialist

The Rotational Grazing Handbook (A3529) recommends that all pastures with less than 40% legume content require N fertilization for optimal growth. Fertilizer application not only contributes to additional forage growth, allowing for a longer grazing period but also enhances pasture yields leading to increased carbon sequestration. However, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in a way that minimizes the emissions of greenhouse gases and their precursors. In this presentation, we will discuss the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from dairy pastures using a “flying” air analyzer. We will also explore the effects of split N application and drought conditions on these emissions.

May 21, 2024:
Heat stress in dairy calves

Understanding the carryover effects of early-life heat stress on dairy calves with Jimena Laporta, Assistant Professor of Lactation Physiology

Heat stress, a prevalent challenge in modern dairy farming, has been shown to have far-reaching consequences on young calves’ health, well-being, and productivity; even before they are born. This presentation will explore how heat stress affects the physiological, behavioral, and developmental aspects of calves during their critical early stages of life and highlight the long-lasting implications that persist into adulthood. Additionally, this presentation will discuss potential strategies to alleviate the detrimental impacts of heat stress on dairy calves, including housing management interventions.

Strategies for keeping calves cool in hutches with Jennifer Van Os, Dairy Animal Welfare Extension Specialist, Assistant Professor

In this brief presentation, Jennifer Van Os will continue some of the themes from Dr. Laporta’s presentation, specifically discussing collaborative work at UW-Madison to identify practical strategies for alleviating heat stress in hutch-housed dairy calves.


There is no charge to participate in the sessions, however pre-registration is required to allow access. Register online at

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