GOODHUE, Minn. — Honeybees buzz around a stack of hives in the corner of the yard at the Hinsch family’s dairy. Not far away, a silo and forage bunker complete the backyard farm scene. …
DODGEVILLE, Wis. — Every year, the U.S. recognizes National Farm Safety and Health Week the third week of September. It is an important reminder for those who work in agriculture that farming …
DENMARK, Wis. — Jeremy Schlies is the reason cows still fill the barn at Old Settlers Dairy. The 23-year-old’s passion for bovines is reflected in the decisions he makes and the tasks he …
HARRISBURG, Penn. — Just a month after placing second in the Wisconsin 4-H State Dairy Judging Contest, four young dairy enthusiasts from Pierce County, Wisconsin, traveled over 1,000 miles to …
Editor’s Note: The following climate summary was provided by the Wisconsin State Climatology Office. Editor’s Note: The following climate summary was provided by the Wisconsin State …
Describe your farm and facilities. I used to milk 80 head with my brother on our home farm and kept our show cattle where I currently farm. When we sold the other farm, I began farming here. This …
LADYSMITH, Wis. — In the north woods of Wisconsin, farmers are facing challenges from wildlife that are damaging crops, and a lack of compensation for those damages. “This has been a …
GOODWIN, S.D. — Greg Moe has been receiving help on his farm, MoDak Dairy, from the Lake Area Technical College for 11 years. Alexis Stinton, a professor at Lake Area Technical College in …
HUMBIRD, Wis. — Ever since its inception, World Dairy Expo has been intertwined in the life of the Pralle family of Selz-Pralle Dairy near Humbird. “Expo was the family event — …
EYOTA, Minn. — The Pagel family hosted a tour of their dairy farm Sept. 10 for three Minnesota senators. The Pagels — parents, Ron and Lori, and their adult children, Tim and his …
LITCHFIELD, Minn. — Every time Deb Heuer steps foot in her milkhouse, she sees a picture of her late husband, Steve, holding his favorite cow. The picture is a poignant reminder of her …
MCBAIN, Mich — JP Koop of Lucky 7 Dairy recognizes he is a lucky man to be living past the first day of corn silage harvest this year. The day started normally enough. But when his chopper …
WAUPACA, Wis. — Josh and Amy Karpinski are paving the path for a bright future at Sheridan Flats Dairy. After completing an expansion this year that included building a new freestall barn and …
MARSHALL, Wis. — Heidi Juedes hopes to take over her family’s farm someday. As a result, the 22-year-old is putting in the work to make that happen. “Within the last eight …
WOODSTOCK, Ill. – Grant DeYoung took control of his farm’s future when he launched Cow Valley Creamery last year. The milk processing plant is located on his farm near Woodstock where he …
MELROSE, Minn. — In March 2022, Derek Engelmeyer made a decision that forever changed the outlook of his parents, Joe and Kim’s, dairy farm. He switched occupations from an …
MOUNT HOREB, Wis. — When a big, black “On Wisconsin” bus pulled up to their driveway July 22, the Haag family was ready to make a good impression on 25 young men who had never …
RICE, Minn — Sometimes keeping it simple works, but Brent Czech finds quality with an in-depth crossbreeding program. “When I heard Dr. Les Hansen discuss crossbreeding in the early …
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Putting whole milk and 2% milk options back on the trays of school lunches is the objective of the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act. Since 2012, kids’ choices in the …
Describe your farm and facilities. We are a multi-generational farm that was started in 1861. The owners and operators of the business include Jim and Donna Hoefs and their sons — Jim, Jason …