Sunrise Ag Cooperative is a customer owned company that provides goods and services to all farmers in a 5-6 county area. very competitive pricing and
sunrise excellent service. We are a Coop that was formed in 1998 to better serve all the JAG COOPERATIVE patrons involved. We market our milk with First District Association in Litchfield,
MN. They have been a strong leader in teh milk industry for many years. We manufacture feed, buy and sell grain, grain storage, bagger rentals, fencing, clothing, hardware, liquid feeds, bag delivery's, Gravely lawn mowers, Stil equipment, electric motor repair, Virig Manufacturing products, and much much more. Sunrise Ag Coop has locations in Buckman (main office), Little rock, Lastrup, and Pier. Give us a call for any of your farm needs as we look forward to helping you out in any way. Thank you.
Email: Contact: Jason Sadlovsky
Email: [email protected]
Address: 9361 Creamery Drive
Buckman. MN 56317
Telephone: 320-468-6433
Fax: 320-468-2807