
A feel good season

A couple weeks ago on a mild weekend in February, I was home from school enjoying doing chores on our farm.

Garbage dump delights

I have always had great respect for garbage. The piece of furniture I have had longest and has gone with me every time I have moved is an old stereo cabinet my dad pulled from the dump south of Melrose, Minnesota, when I was a kid.

Spring by many other names

Mud season is here.

Safety sense

Tonight, I had a weird sense of fear, almost a panic feeling. It came over me when driving into Walmart. There was a customer coming from the store carrying what appeared to be a gun case. As I …

Significant drop in farm income forecast

Net farm income was at record high levels the past two years.

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest supply and utilization data shows dairy’s commercial disappearance in 2022 was strong, up 1.6%, according to StoneX broker Dave Kurzawski in the Feb. 20 “Dairy Radio Now” broadcast.

Our small, connected world

Good things happen when dairy farmers get together. Last week, several of us gathered for Minnesota Milk’s Annual Meeting, Dairy Dinner, and Dairy Day at the Capitol.

Seeing clearly

I remember when my mom started wearing glasses. My dad hooted and hollered about the fact her first pair of glasses were bifocals. I didn’t understand what the big fuss was about until I repeated history.   

You’re so vain

It never fails to amaze me what people are willing to endure in the name of vanity.

Lice eat into profits

Lice is a common external parasite in dairy cattle, most notably detected by visible loss of hair.

A solid foundation of dairy promotion in 2022 has set Midwest Dairy up to adapt and respond to consumer needs as we enter into 2023.

Animal talk

Having a variety of animals at our farm makes my days very exciting and cheerful.

Musical state of mind

“Ain’t it funny how a melody can bring back a memory/ Take you to another place in time/ Completely change your state of mind, ” Clint Black, “State of Mind.”

Kicking off year 25

What were you doing 25 years ago?

Debt ceiling debate limits farm bill activity

 National Council of Farmer Cooperatives President and CEO Chuck Conner is optimistic about the upcoming farm bill debate but is concerned about the lack of activity. Conner said Congress is consumed with the debt ceiling issue.

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